Paging Service
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Contact Wireless is a leading provider of paging services for hospitals and medical facilities throughout Colorado, New Mexico and parts of West Texas. Through our years of experience and knowledge in the telecommunications industry, we have earned a reputation for providing reliable and effective paging. With multiple pager products and services, we can design a custom plan to fit your specific facility needs. We offer multiple products to chose from and also provide in-house repair service and support. With our state-of-the-art telecommunications infrastructure, we accommodate the special needs of the healthcare industry. Contact Wireless offers hyper-fast page delivery through a powerful, redundant, reliable network that is unmatched in its coverage area and building penetration. With Contact Wireless you can count on all mission critical communications reaching all intended recipients reliably every time. More information about some of our pagers and services available to our healthcare industry customers is listed below:
Pagers available for the healthcare industry.
- Unication Elite
- Motorola Elite
- Titan III
- NP88
- ST 800
- LX
- Paddle Pager
- Unication Amplifier
Paging Services for Physicians and Healthcare
Contact Wireless offers many paging services to help physicians and healthcare providers perform their jobs more efficiently and effortlessly. Some of these services are:
CarbonCopy™ - This service allows you to have all text or digital paged messages that are sent to your pager also sent as a text to your cellular phone, e-mail address or a fax number. This feature is particularly useful as a back-up form of receiving your messages, a daily back-up log for all pages, or can be used to monitor the activity on a particular pager.
TxtPageTM - This WEB based program allows you to send text messages directly to a pager. Groups of multiple pagers can be created within TxtPage, canned messages can be created and a log is kept of all pages that have been sent. Txt Page also makes it easy to temporarily and selectively remove pagers from a predefined group, or send a message to one pager in that group.™ - This is an Internet based group text messaging service that delivers a text message to any size group from 5 to 50,000. List administration can be done by you or by the group members from any computer. lives up to it's slogan, "One call….reach them all". NOTIFYall™ has several variations that are specifically adapted to certain industries or services.
Why Use Contact Wireless?
Contact Wireless has 35 + years in the wireless business and can provide a variety of products and solutions to enhance your communications, such as transmitter placement anywhere you need it, or on-premise localized paging. Group paging setups and management are another specialty, along with customized billing and account management. Contact Wireless has been serving the healthcare industry for many, many years, and we understand the needs and requirements of healthcare professionals and institutions.
Contact Wireless offers pre-negotiated, government-based wireless services for Federal, State and Local Government Agencies through the General Service Administration's Federal Supply Schedule, and State General Services contracts or approved vendor status, making it easy for you to take advantage of Contact Wireless discounted government rates and specialized products. Contact us to obtain our government vendor information and numbers.
Contact Wireless Knows Government Needs:
As a provider of paging services to most governmental agencies in New Mexico including: Los Alamos National Labs, Sandia National Labs, the City of Albuquerque, the City of Rio Rancho and many, many more, we understand the needs and functions of wireless services in a governmental setting. We recognize the need to mainatin reliable, constant communications with all agencies, divisions and departments. Your communication system is of critical importance when challenged with taking care of your citizens. Not only is it important to ensure the best and most effective wireless communications, but it's equally important to obtain these services in a cost-effective manner and under budget constraints. Through our advanced technology and long-standing knowledge and experience, Contact Wireless can satisfy the system and agency requirements with the design of a specific plan to meet those demands. We offer unique solutions to unify communications for all departments, critical teams or emergency response teams to help you effectively manage your municipality or government office.
Support for Federal, State and Local Government Agencies:
Contact Wireless has a dedicated Government Account Team and Customer Support for government accounts to ensure accuracy and speed in fulfilling your requests. Our Government Account Teams will work with you to design a cost-effective solution that specifically fits your agency's needs.
In addition to all your basic paging needs, Contact Wireless services can offer even more for your entity such as:
- Messages, updates and notices that can be sent to thousands of different devices via hundreds of different wireless service providers, tehreby enhancing the productivity of your field/mobile workforce.
- High-speed messaging for emergency/life threatening situations and coordinating joint response efforts.
- Improve the safety of your officers and public through gerenation of automatic alerts and calls for backup.
- Unification of all wireless communication into a single system, giving immediate and simultaneous contact among supervisors, squads and mobile units, regardless of agency or jurisdiction. A critical function when faced with such events as fires, floods or other natural disasters.
- Support for multiple messaging applications like group paging, pre-programmed messages, on-call groups, scheduled messages and repeating messages which can be sent directly to the appropriate responding agency or workgroup, simplifying and reducing the cost of communications.
- Streamline and acceleration operations by sending messages with more information to numerous agencies and departments.
Regional coverage or travel throughout the U.S.
Get access to paging service on local, statewide, regional, and nationwide coverage options that meet your needs. Contact provides unmatched NM, CO, Eastern AZ and West TX coverage. See map. Contact Wireless has more transmitters in this area alone then all of our competitors combined. Also enjoy coverage in all 50 states with coverage in 50 of the top 50 major metro areas in addition to 98 of the top 100 and beyond.
Contact Wireless will customize its network or coverage areas to meet your specific requirements. You ask. . . we can make it happen.
The "Wireless Experts"
Contact Wireless has been providing paging services continuously since 1962 and under the current management since 1992. As a leading provider of paging services and equipment to healthcare, government, enterprises and consumers, our unparalleled experience and knowledge enables us to provide you with the best wireless service available. There is a reason we are called the "Wireless Experts!"
For 35+ years Contact Wireless has been a leading provider of paging services and equipment to some of the largest corporations in the nation. Our unparalleled experience and dedicated enterprise team can assist in making the right communication choices that fit your company's needs. At Contact Wireless we offer solutions that are easy, affordable and practical, like traditional 1-way numeric paging, alpha numeric paging, advanced 2-way messaging, and on-premise paging.
Paging continues to be a critical part of communications strategy for companies and organizations of all types. With ever increasing budget constraints and cutbacks, utilitizing cost-effective services such as paging can help with a companies bottom line. Typically when faced with shortfalls in budgets and looming deficits the first fix jumped upon is cutting jobs. Unfortunately, in the economy we find ourselves in today, cutting jobs is only fueling the problem of unemployment and, as a result, hurting our economy even more. A better plan before leaping off the pink-slip bridge is to tighten budgets and rein in spending. Many corporations have ample room to cut costs and keep people employed. One of the areas to be considered for an overhaul is communications and the usage of cell phones by employees. Many times two way communication is not needed for employees and one-way paging messages will suffice. Paging capabilities these days are advanced and comprehensive, including such features as:
- 1-Way Numeric - This service utilizes a 1-Way receive only pager
- 1-Way Alphanumeric: This service utlizies a 1-Way receive only alphanumeric (text) pager
- 2-Way Alphanumeric: This service utlizes a recieve and transmit text message pager
In addition, Contact Wireless offers multiple wireless technologies to meet specific requirements for your industry, all which can be tailored to your needs by our enterprise team. Additional services which can be incoporated into the communication plan for your business include just a few of the services listed below:
- Text Paging - allows text messages to be sent directly to a pager. Groups of multiple pagers can be created, canned messages and a log of all messages sent are a bonus of this service.
- Group Messaging - delivers the same message to a group of people. With group paging a single message can be initiated and delivered to a pre-determined group you select and to multiple devices.
- Premium Paging Features - customized for your needs.
- InfoLine - provides a dedicated telephone number with the ability to record up-to-date information, personal passcode protected, message center.
- NotifyAll - group messaging service
- Toll Free Numbers - statewide can be dialed as local numbers in NM or CO.
We are experts in group messaging and offer a variety of products and services to meet all of your needs. Contact can group pagers, cellular phones, smart phones, and email addresses. Cutting edge innovations like our proprietary web-based NOTIFYall mass text notification service available anywhere in North America and our Wireless Control Systems have made us unique partners that can provide a host of advanced communication solutions. Whether using our services for small groups, appointment notification, sales forces, restaurants, IT/MIS coordination, emergency notification, meeting notification, or other many uses of wireless communication services that we offer, we can customize services for your particular needs and you can rest assured your messages will be delivered with the reliability and dependability we have built our business and reputation on. We are the "Wireless Experts."
Advancements in pagers over the past several years are incredible and today's pagers are not simply "beepers" anymore, evolving over the years to more sophisticated devices which allows consumers choices as to the functions they would like in a pager. Motorola conducted a study which showed almost 75 percent of all communications needed to be one-way, things like, "I'm running late," "Pick up milk on the way home," or "The meeting time has been changed to 3:30." The pagers of today are capable of confirmed delivery even with basic one-way communication, which is all that is needed for many people. In addition, pagers with two-way communication, internet and email capabilities are some of the options on the market today. In spite of these similarities with cell phones, the biggest differences and advantages of the pager over a cell phone, still remains to be the reliability, coverage, cost and functionality.
Unlike cell phones, pagers do not require charging and operate on a battery with usage times in the months and years, not hours like many of the newer cell phones on the market today. Not only does this eliminate the problem of a dead phone, it also cuts the electricity usage for charging phones, which in our environmentally conscious day and age is a very good thing for everyone. The battery life in a pager can run from several months up to a year. A cell phone, particularly the newest smart phones, have a short battery life from a few hours to maybe a full day if very few applications are running. In an emergency where there is no access to electricity or ability to charge a cell phone the reality of the phone being able to provide any type of assistance or security is nil. The pager on the other hand, is dependable and will not need charging or electricity to function. Pagers are also less intrusive as there are no obnoxious songs blaring with every call, pagers are much more discreet and less distracting.
The other issue many cell phone users face is the reliability of receiving a signal. Without a signal the cell phone is about as useful as a Walkman unless of course the battery dies, then it has virtually no use. The pager doesn't have the same reception issues as cell phones because pagers function much differently. The pager operates off a radio signal which has higher power and larger coverage area of up to 60 miles, in comparison the network signal for cell phones is typically only 10 miles. With such a small coverage area, cell phones literally compete for their signals from their sporadically placed towers to make a cell phone function, that's the reason there are dropped calls, lack of coverage especially in rural areas or inside buildings, and overloading of networks. Pagers are not subject to these faulty reception issues and will work in areas where cell phones are dead.
Cost is another important difference between cell phones and pagers. How much did your last cell phone bill run? The answer probably depends on the minutes used, features for the phone, the plan, how many text messages were sent and a variety of other complicated costs that go into comprising that long, detailed billing record. Pagers, on the other hand, cost much less for the equipment itself and there is no way for teenagers or others to abuse minutes, text messages or downloads. In other words, consumers will know exactly what their monthly bill will be each month and there will be no surprises.
There are many reasons pagers have existed and been used by individuals for more than fifty years. Pagers can be easily carried, will function in the worst of situations whether natural or man-made, will get all information to the people who need it and won't break the bank in doing so. Pagers will work when you need them to work and can provide the type of benefits that serve its user time and time again in a very functional and necessary way. If you haven't taken a look at pagers lately, stop in and we will be happy to give you a demonstration of all the available products and features.

TxtPage Basic is included with all new and existing paging service. If you would like to start using TxtPage Basic, please contact customer service at 505-888-9999.
- Save and organize contacts by name for quick asssess.
- Send pages to multiple recipients.
- Select paging groups with a single click.
- Default recipients can be specified.
- Many, many more options.
- And it's all included with your paging service.
Emergency Access
From time to time, we experience an interruption of our telephone service (just like everyone else with a land-line). When that occurs, we have an alternate way for you to place calls and reach your voice-mail. Here's how it works:
- Place a call to 505-431-2121.
- It will answer and ask, "Number please...".
- Enter the 10-digit pager number you are trying to reach. If you have an inbound toll free number, use the number 800-800-[the last 4 digits of your number].
- you will be immediately transferred to that pager and will hear the normal voice prompt.
- Enter a numeric message or leave/retrieve voice mail, as normal.