Repair Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. We purchase used cell phones that are in good to excellent condition and have a clean ESN (Electric Serial Number).

Purchases are based on condition, carrier, and age of the device. Newer phones on more popular carriers get top dollar.

Yes. Below is a list of reasons we will not buy a cell phone:

  1. BAD ESN (Electric Serial Number)
  2. Indications of water damage
  3. Broken in any way (example: phone does not charge)
  4. Missing parts (example: missing battery)
  5. Poor or fair condition
  6. Out-dated
  7. NET 10, Tracfone, Straight Talk, Virgin Mobile

A cell phone with a "bad ESN" is a phone which cannot be activated on the carrier it was manufactured for, due to various reasons. This can be due to the fact that the original owner was dissatisfied with their current carrier and switched carriers, or had a billing dispute with their carrier and canceled service without paying the early termination fee, or they got behind on their bill. The ESN can also be bad due to the cell phone being reported lost or stolen.

Yes. We repair all makes and models of cell phones from all the major carriers. If we can get the parts to repair your phone, we can fix it!

Most problems can be repaired on the same day*.

*Subject to part inventory. All special orders require a half down payment.

Yes. For an additional $25 Quick Fix fee, we can move your repair to the front of the line and have it repaired immediately*.

*Subject to part inventory. All special orders require a half down payment.

Yes. All repairs are done on site at our Albuquerque location by a team of experienced certified repair technicians.

Yes. We also repair Game Consoles, Tablets, and Laptops.*

*Laptop repair is for cosmetic damage ONLY (example: broken screen).

Yes. RepairPass is a discount program we have developed for businesses with multiple cell phones and devices.